Model Interstate Water Compact Now Available for Online Purchase
June 21, 2017

Bitter struggles over shared water resources and legal actions between the states prompted the Committee on Energy and Natural Resources of the U. S. Senate to designate The Utton Transboundary Resources Center to convene over 30 water experts and lawyers from across the nation for a conference to address these complex water issues.
After three years, their experience and insights culminated in The Model Interstate Water Compact by Jerome Muys, George Sherk, and Marilyn O’Leary—an innovative model for resolution of interstate water disputes in an equitable and efficient manner.
Provisions include articles on establishment and structure of the commission, water apportionment, water quality protection and water resources management programs, dispute resolution, interagency coordination, and budgeting and funding. Commentaries follow each article to explain the rationale for the provisions. The conclusions encourage states to assume oversight of transboundary resources, especially water, avoiding the inefficiency and expense of legal action. In addition to the proposed model compact, there is a complete cross-referenced listing of existing interstate water compacts in the appendix.
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