Lunch & Learn with Judy Calman, NM Wilderness Alliance
October 30, 2017
"Wolves, Wolves, Wolves! - Litigation for Wolf Protection"
The Utton Center and the Student Animal Legal Defense Fund at UNM Law School presents a Lunch & Learn lecture titled, “Wolves, Wolves, Wolves!—Litigation for Wolf Protection” on Wednesday, November 15, from 12:00-1:00pm in Room 2402.

Recently a federal judge threw out the Department of Justice’s “McKittrick Policy” under which the government only prosecuted killers of protected animals under the Endangered Species Act (ESA) when it could prove the killer knew the exact biological identity of the species s/he was harming. The lawsuit was brought by the New Mexico Wilderness Alliance and the WildEarth Guardians. It is now on appeal.

Attorney Judy Calman, who represented the NM Wilderness Alliance in the McKittrick lawsuit, discusses other pieces of litigation pertaining to the recovery of the Mexican gray wolf.
About the Speaker
Judy Calman is staff attorney for the NM Wilderness Alliance. Since 2010, she has been helping her organization ensure that federal agencies are complying with environmental laws, working to propose more federal lands for administrative protections, and appealing agency actions that are damaging to public lands.
Ms. Calman received her J. D. degree from the University of New Mexico School of Law, as well as a Masters in Environmental Law and Policy at the Vermont Law School.
For more information, contact Laura by phone at 7-3253 or email:
This event is hosted by The Utton Center and the Student Animal Legal Defense Fund.