Utton Center Author in Residence, John Fleck, speaks with NM PBS
September 3, 2023 - Utton Center Author in Residence, John Fleck, speaks with NM PBS
John Fleck, Professor of Practice in Water Policy & Governance, UNM Dept of Economics, Author, &
Writer-in-Residence, Utton Center, UNM School of Law, recently spoke with NM PBS for a report on the state of water issues in the American southwest. The interview with John Fleck is the most recent episode in the NM PBS series "Season 2023: Report From Santa Fe", Produced By KENW. On behalf of the Utton Center, thank you to NM PBS for its imperative local journalism.
Watch the interview here courtesy of NM PBS: https://portal.knme.org/video/john-fleck-rb6isv/