Lunch & Learn with Eric Perramond, Colorado College
November 15, 2018
"Down by Water Law: What Adjudication Can and Cannot Do in the West"
The Utton Center and the Natural Resources & Environmental Law Program present Professor Eric Perramond in a Lunch & Learn lecture entitled, "Down by Water Law: What Adjudication Can and Cannot Do in the West." Professor Perramond analyzes his recent book, "Unsettled Waters: Rights, Law, and Identity in the American West" (2018, University of California Press) which encompasses Perramond's research for the past 10 years focused on local, New Mexican stories of the water rights adjudication process in New Mexico, its effects on local, regional, and state water governance, and what that state's experience has to offer other states in the American West.
About the Speaker
Eric Perramond is a human-environment geographer, and a political ecologist, and is a Professor of Environmental Science and Southwest Studies at Colorado College. Eric received his Bachelor's degree in 1992 at Mary Washington (VA), Masters in 1994 from LSU (LA), and completed his PhD work in 1999 at the University of Texas at Austin where his work focused on the dynamics of private ranching in Mexico. That work led to his first book on the "Political Ecologies of Cattle Ranching in Northern Mexico: Private Revolutions" (2010, University of Arizona Press).